Ukrgasbank was named the best bank for sustainable finance in Central & Eastern Europe in the Euromoney Award for Excellence 2019. The award ceremony was held on July 10 in London and gathered 500 senior bankers from around the world.

The Award for Excellence 2019 uncovered new global trend that regional banks tend to outplay the global banks on a regional scene. Ukrgasbank is well within this trend, having won the prestigious regional nomination in sustainability.

“This award comes as a recognition of our bank input into the impressive job the best world bankers have done to save our home - the Earth. We are proud to be the first in Ukraine to be recognized as the best bank for sustainable finance in Central and Eastern Europe. We are happy that our dream for safe and sustainable future for our children is shared by our esteemed colleagues!”, said Ukrgasbank CEO Kyrylo Shevchenko.

A benchmark for high-quality products and services across all areas of commercial and investment banking, the Euromoney Awards for Excellence define banking excellence in global categories and across 110 individual countries. Over the years these awards have set the standards for banking and capital market excellence amongst the top ranking financial institutions around the world. Awards are based on outstanding performance, quality service and innovation. This year Euromoney received almost 1,500 submissions from banks in an awards program that covers 20 global awards, more than 50 regional awards, and best bank awards in close to 100 countries.

To access the full winners list visit here.


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