UKRGASBANK has raised another UAH 95 million to finance SMEs

As part of the ongoing cooperation with the German-Ukrainian Fund (GUF), UKRGASBANK signed UAH 95 million loan agreement under the GUF Program to support small and medium-sized enterprises. The Program aims at investment projects of small and medium-sized enterprises in the priority areas, such as manufacturing, agriculture, HORECA and energy efficiency.

SMEs are in focus of our business priorities.  This allows us to attract additional investments for on-lending and offer up-to-date products to SMEs, thus being flexible and responsive to the market needs. The GUF Program enjoys popularity among entrepreneurs, as a solid source of investments. We are grateful for the long-lasting cooperation that makes financing cheaper for our customers and contributes to the development of entrepreneurship in Ukraine

— said Yevgen Metsger, Deputy Chairman of the Management Board.

This is another step in implementing UKRGASBANK policy to support Ukrainian SMEs. The financing will be provided in the local currency out of the EUR 10 mln loan granted to the GUF by the German government through KfW with FX risk hedging at the expense of the EU4Business Initiative of the European Commission under “SME Financing Initiative East – Phase II”.

Investment loans to industrial SMEs dominate UKRGASBANK loan portfolio under the GUF Program which best proves the efficient use of the Program funds

— said Valerij Mayboroda, acting head of the GUF.

The German-Ukrainian Fund is a financial institution, established in 1996 as part of the German Government initiative to support reforms in Ukraine.

Cooperation between UKRGASBANK and the Fund dates back to 2012. To learn more about loan terms, visit


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