JSB "Ukrgasbank" is a systemically important bank

JSB "Ukrgasbank" is a systemically important bank, a leading financial institution in Ukraine and the only bank in Ukraine financing green projects.

From 2015 to 2020, JSB "Ukrgasbank" increased its assets by UAH 98 billion. At the same time, its loan portfolio grew by UAH 53 billion. In 2020, JSB "Ukrgasbank" became a leader in corporate deposits growth among Ukrainian banks. For two years in a row, JSB "Ukrgasbank" was on the TOP-3 in “Best trade finance bank in Eastern Europe” nomination list.

To ensure the quick growth of the funding base with the aim of  further directing these funds to support the real sector of the economy, the Bank engaged intermediary services. The agreements signed with the intermediaries by the Bank were in full compliance with the current legislation. The Supervisory Board engaged internationally recognized audit companies and law firms to obtain an opinion whether such practice  corresponds to the market conditions and whether it  is in compliance with the international practices.The obtained opinion was  presented to the Bank's Board, international partners, as well as all stakeholders.

JSB “Ukrgasbank" adheres to the principles of zero tolerance for corruption. The Supervisory Board and the Management Board decided to immediately suspend all officials who were served with the notice of suspicion. (SAP and NABU press release)

JSB "Ukrgasbank" has always been open to cooperation with law enforcement agencies and will continue to provide comprehensive support and assistance in the implementation of the necessary legal actions.


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