UKRGASBANK joined the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance

Since 2016, UKRGASBANK has focused its efforts on minimizing the carbon footprint, prioritizing the financing of sustainable development projects, including renewable energy, resource efficiency, and energy efficiency projects. In general, the Bank financed more than 900 sustainable projects in Ukraine for more than USD 1 billion, which made it possible to reduce CO2 emissions by almost 1.6 million tons annually.

Seeing the great potential in financing hydrogen production by using the best environmentally friendly technologies and solutions, UKRGASBANK was the first among Eastern European banks to join the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, along with leading European financial institutions such as KfW, the EBRD, Citibank Europe Plc, Deutsche Bank AG, and many others.

The European Clean Hydrogen Alliance was established in July 2020, aiming to introduce the best modern technologies and solutions for clean hydrogen, stimulating its production and spreading its use. The Alliance brings together representatives of state authorities, civil society, manufacturers, financial institutions, and other stakeholders.

Clean hydrogen projects play a pivotal role on the path to net zero emissions and climate change mitigation. Its financial support will accelerate the green transition and energy independence, create new jobs, and increase investment opportunities for business.


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