In 2023, UKRGASBANK’s portfolio of sustainable development projects increased by UAH 550 million

In 2023, UKRGASBANK’s portfolio of sustainable development projects increased by UAH 550 million. The largest part of financing – UAH 520 million was directed to support local communities of two Ukrainian cities. The city councils channeled the funds into the development of municipal medicine, reconstruction of critical infrastructure facilities, and energy-efficient modernization of educational institutions.

The Bank also directed over UAH 20 million to finance energy-efficient modernization of agricultural machinery and almost UAH 9 million loans were issued to the Bank’s clients for purchasing and installing solar power plants and generators to reduce electricity consumption and ensure business continuity.

Since 2016, the Bank has implemented more than 900 large-scale sustainable development projects, resulting in the reduction of CO2 emissions by 1.6 million tons annually.

UKRGASBANK was one of the first banks in Ukraine to implement Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) standards. As a sustainable Bank, we also finance:

  • projects aimed at reducing CO2 emissions, including renewable energy and energy-efficient business modernization;
  • sustainable agricultural projects aimed at strengthening food security and minimizing the risks of famine;
  • environmental protection projects;
  • sustainable development projects of Ukrainian cities and communities.


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