Once again the best bank in trade finance according to the EBRD

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced the most successful partner banks from around the world and the most active players in Green TFP 2022.

The award ceremony took place in Samarkand, Uzbekistan.

For the third year in a row (2020, 2021, 2022), the EBRD awarded the state-owned UKRGASBANK as the Most Active Issuing Bank under the EBRD Trade Facilitation Program (TFP).

The Bank received the award in the nomination - Deal of the year (Green trade) for the second time in a row.

In December 2022, in a matter of days, UKRGASBANK issued a letter of credit under the EBRD support for the purchase of biogas plant equipment for a leading Ukrainian agricultural enterprise from a Danish manufacturer.

The plant will be built within a year and produce electricity and heat.

The TFP program plays a vital role in supporting trade in the EBRD regions of operation, especially in these difficult times for Ukraine and the whole world.

We are honored to get this high award from the EBRD!


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