UGB (Ukrgasbank) – Europe Best Financier for Women Entrepreneurs

Ukrgasbank has been honored with this prestigious award at the Global SME Finance Forum 2024 in São Paulo, Brazil — the flagship international forum aimed at promoting SME financing, organized on the initiative of the IFC.

Why UGB?

Among the Bank's key achievements in supporting women entrepreneurs are the following:

  • Women-owned businesses make up 37% of UGB’s lending portfolio.
  • The growth rate of active clients among women-owned businesses exceeds that of the general client base: +30% compared to +4%. Their share of the total client base has increased from 32% to 40%.
  • The total SME portfolio for women-owned businesses amounts to USD 103.27 million (a 46% increase over the past three years).
  • The total number of SME clients among women entrepreneurs is nearly 30,000 (a 60% increase over the past three years).

"Thanks to our banking tools and programs, we have created a favorable environment for the growth of women-led small and medium-sized enterprises, which significantly contributes to the country’s economic resilience. This distinguishes Ukrgasbank as the best bank supporting women entrepreneurs. We are grateful to the IFC and the Global SME Finance Forum 2024 for this рrestigious and important award!” stated Volodymyr Ponomarov, First Deputy Chairperson of the Management Board of Ukrgasbank.

“UGB acknowledges the crucial role of women entrepreneurs, especially during the war when a large part of the male population is engaged in military service. This has led to an increased role for women in business. At UGB, we actively collaborate with women entrepreneurs, offering them the full range of our standard products, as well as tailored financial solutions to meet their business needs,” emphasized Tetiana Korniienko, Director of the SME Department at Ukrgasbank.


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