UKRGASBANK cares about the environment by supporting environmental projects of a private investor

UKRGASBANK has entered into UAH 7.5 million loan agreement with LNK LLC to finance purchase of a gas engine generator for a biogas power plant of LNK LLC in Cherkasy Oblast.

Purchase of specialized modern equipment is the main precondition for draining out of gases from solid waste landfills in Ukraine.

As all environmental projects of LNK LLC are implemented at the expense of the company’s own private investments, participation of UKRGASBANK, as the leading ECO-Bank, is an important step to support private sector initiatives for implementing environmental projects in Ukraine. UKRGASBANK plans to further extend credit support to LNK LLC.

Today, LNK LLC in the leader in the implementation of the environmental projects on draining out of gases from solid waste landfills in Ukraine. The company’s primary objective is to address the environmental problem of reducing landfill gas emissions into the air and to generate power from alternative sources. Operation of LNK LLC biogas power plants allowed to drain out 56.7 million cubic meters of gas from solid waste landfills and to reduce СО2 emissions by 295 thousand tons (in equivalent); total power generation – 82 million kWh; natural gas savings – 126 million cubic meters.


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