UKRGASBANK and the Partial Credit Guarantee Fund in Agriculture signed a Guarantee Agreement.

Ukrainian agricultural producers now have the chance to benefit from a loan guarantee through the collaboration of UKRGASBANK and the Partial Credit Guarantee Fund in Agriculture (PCGF). This significant project, supported by the World Bank, promises to uplift and fortify the business and economy of Ukraine.

The project aims to facilitate access to bank loans for micro and small agricultural producers, reduce the cost of funding, and minimize the risks of possible non-repayments.

The cooperation between UKRGASBANK and PCGF will enable farmers to expand their own production, improve financial condition, and increase competitiveness.

“Supporting micro and small agri-businesses is currently one of UKRGASBANK's key objectives. As a state bank, we collaborate with many international and Ukrainian institutions, jointly implementing projects that meet the needs of micro-scale agro businesses, which continue their activities despite all challenges in today’s realities. 

We extend our gratitude to all our partners and clients, with special thanks to PCGF for fruitful cooperation!” noted Rodion Morozov, Acting Chairperson of the Management Board of UKRGASBANK.

Which loans can be partially guaranteed by PCGF?

  • Purpose: investment purposes (including the purchase of agricultural land) and working capital replenishment; 
  • Maximum loan amount – UAH 30 million;
  • Maximum loan term – up to 10 years; 
  • Portfolio guarantee amount – up to 50% of the loan principal amount. 

PCGF can provide partial guarantees for loans granted under the "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" state program.

Which enterprises can receive guarantees?

  • Registered in the State Agrarian Register; 
  • Main activity of which is the production of agricultural products; 
  • Annual income of which does not exceed EUR 40 million; 
  • The Balance sheet does not exceed EUR 20 million; 
  • Average number of employees – not more than 250 persons; 
  • Owning/using not more than 500 hectares of agricultural land; 
  • Compliant with environmental and social requirements of Ukrainian legislation, as well as environmental and social requirements of the World Bank.


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