
Credit Rating Agency affirms Ukrgasbank’s rating and the reliability of its deposits
On October 27, 2011 Credit Rating Agency has affirmed the long-term credit rating and the rating of borrower’s liability at uaBBB with a stable outlook and the banking deposit reliability rating on the level “4” (high reliability).
Prior redemption of local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A
On October 31, 2011 a prior redemtion of local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A took place with the total number of 8,481 bonds for the total nominal value of UAH 8,481,000.00.
Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of registered bonds Series С
On October 31, 2011 Ukrgasbank JSB has paid yield interest of the registered bonds Series C for the 17th interest period in the amount of UAH 709,603.21, i.e. UAH 39.89 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by Ukrgasbank JSB at: 1 Yerevanska, Kyiv, 03087.
Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A and B
On October 31, 2011 Ukrgasbank JSB has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A and B for the 16th interest period in the amount of UAH 759,749.00, incl. series A — UAH 259,300.00 and series B — UAH 500,449.00 i. e. UAH 25.93 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by Ukrgasbank JSB as a Paying Agent at: 39 Chervonoarmyiska, Kyiv, 01004.
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Boryspil City Council, series A for the 13th interest period
On October 18, 2011 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Boryspil City Council, series A for the 13th interest period in the amount of UAH 302,940.00, i.e. UAH 33.66 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ as a Paying Agent at: 39 Chervonoarmyiska, Kyiv, 01004.
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of series B registered interest bearing bonds of ‘Euro Leasing’ Ltd.
On October 6, 2011 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of series B registered interest bearing bonds of ‘Euro Leasing’ Ltd. for the 16th interest period in the amount of UAH 325 380.00, i.e. UAH 37.40 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ as a Paying Agent.
Ukrgasbank provides the best auto loans
Ukrgasbank occupied the first place in the auto loans rating carried out by “Segodnya” newspaper. The terms of auto loans with the down payment of 10%-15% are recognized as the most attractive at the market.
Ukrgasbank ranks a leading position by sovereign bonds trading at the PFTS Stock Exchange in September 2011
PFTS Stock Exchange released the stock traders’ ratings for September 2011. JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ ranks a leading position by sovereign bonds trading.
Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of series A registered bonds of the Verhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
On September 26, 2011 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of series A registered unsecured bonds of the Verhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for the 1st interest period in the amount of UAH 4 807 950.00, i.e. UAH 36.15 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ as a Paying Agent at: 39 Chervonoarmyiska, Kyiv, 01004.
Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of series D bonds
On September 20, 2011 Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of series D bonds for the 16th interest period in the amount of UAH 500 579.61, i.e. UAH 39.89 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’.
Ukrgasbank is a leader of “Banking deposits rating”
The newspaper “Segodnya” has released a “Banking deposits rating” by choosing the most profitable offers of Ukrainian banks. The publisher has analyzed the most attractive terms of deposits of 20 banks by the deposit portfolio increase in August 2011.
Financial performance of the Bank
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ continues to focus on corporate lending. Thus, in August 2011 the corporate loan portfolio increased by UAH 1’149.3 m.
Ukrgasbank has been recognized as the most active municipal bonds trader
PFTS Stock Exchange released the stock traders’ ratings for August 2011.
Key financial performance indicators
In July 2011 highly liquid assets increased by 87,5%. Thus, as at 01.08.2011 highly liquid assets amounted to UAH 1 344,3 mln (as at 01.07.2011 – UAH 717,1 mln).
Newsletter for partners
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ following the principles of openness and transparency for years has initiated a new project – Newsletter for partners.
Ukrgasbank enhances efficiency of the distribution network
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ improves incentive mechanism of the distribution network activity aiming to raise its efficiency, to improve financial ratio and to ensure strategic objectives achievement of the financial institution.
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ is underwriter of series B registered municipal bonds of Cherkasy City Council
On 9 August 2011 the State Committee on securities and stock exchange registered the issue and the prospectus of series B registered municipal bonds of Cherkasy city council in the amount of UAH 60 mln of 60’000 interest bearing, registered, unsecured bonds (UAH 1’000 par value) with maturity period of 5 years, maturity date is on August 17, 2016.
Ukrgasbank is an incumbent member of Ukrainian National Mortgage Association
Since August 3, 2011 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ became a member of Ukrainian National Mortgage Association (UNMA).
Ukrgasbank is among leaders by payment cards issued
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ is among top Ukrainian banks by payment cards issued according to the NBU data. The Bank achieved the 8th ranking position with 720ths cards issued, out of which 576ths are active cards as at 1 July, 2011.
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