
EIB Group and Ukrgasbank to support EUR 50 million of SME financing in Ukraine under the EU4Business initiative

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) – jointly the EIB Group – today signed a guarantee agreement with Ukrgasbank to support the equivalent of EUR 50 million of lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine.

IFC and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine Help Set Stage for Privatization of Ukrgasbank

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and Ukrgasbank signed a Memorandum of Understanding today that will help set the stage for the privatization of Ukrgasbank, Ukraine’s fourth-largest lender. 

Ukrgasbank joins the IFC’s Global Trade Finance Program

As part of the expansion of cooperation between Ukrgasbank and International Finance Corporation (IFC), the bank has joined Global Trade Finance Program (GTFP) with USD 20 million trade finance guarantee facility, which will increase the bank’s international trade finance business and support the efforts to help modernize the economy and boost growth.

Ukrgasbank Granted the Biggest Condominium Loan in Ukraine Worth Nearly UAH 10 million

Ukrgasbank has advanced the biggest loan in Ukraine amounting to UAH 9.7 mln to one of Kyiv condominium under the state energy efficiency program. The funds for the period of 5 years are provided for comprehensive thermo-modernization in residential multi-apartment building.

Ukrgasbank Attracted 17,000 New SME Customers During Two Years

Over two years of Ukrgasbank’s work with a new client segment, namely with representatives of small and medium-sized businesses, the bank’s customer base has increased by 17,000 new enterprises.

UKRGASBANK was ranked the third among the most reliable banks in Ukraine

UKRGASBANK entered the TOP-3 “Most Reliable Banks of Ukraine” rating according to “Lichnyi schet” (Private account) business magazine.

UKRGASBANK financed green projects for the total of UAH 1 billion since the beginning of the year

Since the start of the year 2017, UKRGASBANK has advanced green loans for the total of more than UAH 1 billion within the framework of unique for Ukrainian banking market strategy of ECO-banking.

UKRGASBANK provided finance to nearly 20 green energy projects with total generation capacity of 115 MW

On the 3rd of March 2017 Rodion Morozov, Head of Ecological Projects Department of UKRGASBANK, participated in 8th Annual Adam Smith Conference “Ukrainian Energy Forum”.

UKRGASBANK advanced EUR 3 million loan for solar power plants construction in Khmelnitsky region

In February 2017 UKRGASBANK advanced another green loan amounting to EUR 3 million. Loan proceeds will be used for the construction of the new solar power plants (SPP) in Khmelnitsky region.

УКРГАЗБАНК предлагает скидку до 35% на аренду автомобилей для владельцев премиальных карт MasterCard

УКРГАЗБАНК предлагает своим клиентам - владельцам премиальных карт MasterCard World Elite воспользоваться скидкой до 35% на аренду автомобилей от компании Avis и до 15% от компании Hertz. Владельцы карт MasterCard Platinum получают до 20% скидки при аренде автомобилей в Avis, и до 10% - в компании Hertz.

UKRGASBANK has signed the Memorandum on strategic partnership and cooperation with German-Ukrainian Fund

On the 1st of February at the Ministry of Finance the Memorandum on strategic partnership and cooperation between the JSC “Ukrgasbank” and the German-Ukrainian Fund (GUF) aimed to develop the existing and to implement new attractive loan programs for micro, small and medium-sized business in Ukraine was signed.

UKRGASBANK provided almost UAH 50 million in financing energy efficiency measures for condominiums in the year 2016

During the year 2016 UKRGASBANK provided financing amounting to UAH 47.7 million in 284 energy efficiency projects for condominiums and cooperative housing associations. The loans were advanced under government-subsidized Energy Efficiency Program.

UKRGASBANK finances the construction of solar power plant in Odesa region

Ukrgasbank has provided a Green Loan with total amount of EUR 2.1 million for the construction of solar (photovoltaic) power plant in Odesa region, Izmail district, Suvorove village.

German-Ukrainian Fund Doubled the Amount of Funding to UKRGASBANK for SME Lending Purposes

On December 28th Ukrgasbank signed new loan agreements with the German-Ukrainian Fund as a result of which total EUR funding provided by the German-Ukrainian Fund doubled to EUR 6.9 million and UAH funding increased 24 times to UAH 24 million. Execution of the new loan agreements followed successful utilization of funding available under open credit lines.

UKRGASBANK to finance the construction of one of Ukraine’s largest wind farms

Ukrgasbank began financing the construction of the Novotroitsk wind farm (NWF) with capacity of 70 MW, which is carried out by "Vindkraft Tavria" in Kherson region. After the project is completed, it will become one of the three largest and most powerful wind power stations in Ukraine.

UKRGASBANK won “Best money market dealer” award and was ranked second among local government bonds traders

On December 13th Olena Paliy, head of dealing operations and liquidity management unit of UKRGASBANK, won “Best money market dealer” award by ACI Ukraine The Financial Markets Association.

UKRGASBANK participated in UN climate change conference
Maya Ganelina, Head of International Cooperation Department, and Volodymyr Vysotskyi, Deputy Head of Ecological Projects Department, represented Ukraine in the official delegation headed by Ostap Semerak, Minister of Ecology…
IFC, Ukrgasbank to Improve Access to Green Finance in Ukraine

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and Ukraine’s Ukrgasbank have signed an agreement that will help local companies make investments in renewable energy and energy efficiency, part of a wider effort to combat climate change in Ukraine. 

Кирилл Шевченко: В государственных банках меньше рисков, чем в других банках

За последние пару лет государственные банки развиваются гораздо быстрее и активнее, чем это было ранее. Об этом в ходе экономического подкаста на портале Finance.UA заявил Председатель Правления УКРГАЗБАНКА Кирилл Шевченко.

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