At a Glance

JSB “UKRGASBANK” is a universal bank with a focus on green finance.

UKRGASBANK is among the top-5 Ukrainian banks by assets. 95% of the Bank’s share capital belongs to the State of Ukraine represented by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.

Established in 1993, over more than 20 years of its operation the Bank has gained the loyalty of thousands of retail and corporate customers. UKRGASBANK services around 900 thousand individuals, and over 46 thousand corporate and SME customers. The Bank operates 229 offices in over 152 cities and towns throughout Ukraine.

Today UKRGASBANK is a dynamic financial institution providing both traditional and unique innovative products and services. The bank actively participates in the development of the Ukrainian economy and financial system.

Bank details

Established 21.07.1993
Major shareholder State via the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine (95% stake)
Legal address 1 Yerevanska St., Kyiv 03087, Ukraine
Postal address 19, 21, 23 Staronavodnytska St., Kyiv 01015, Ukraine
MFO code 320478
EDRPOU code 23697280
VAT taxpayer code 236972826658
Telephone 0 800 309 000 (toll-free calls within Ukraine)
358 – for mobile calls


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