
Ukrgasbank summarized its financial results for August 2012. Net profit of the Bank made UAH 37.7 million for the reporting period and UAH 281.7 million since YE2011, which by 33.5% surpasses the planed result.
Ukrgasbank reports the record net profit of UAH 61.5 million in July 2012
Ukrgasbank has summed up financial results for July 2012. Thus, the net profit for the last month reached UAH 61.5 million being the record net profit result starting from the beginning of the year.
Ukrgasbank Repaid a Syndicated Loan
On 31 July 2012, Ukrgasbank repaid USD 23 million syndicated loan provided by the group of international banks on 05 August 2008. ING Bank N.V. and Standard Bank Plc acted as mandated lead arrangers and bookrunners of the syndicated loan. 14 banks from 9 countries took part in the loan. Interest rate was LIBOR+3.25% p.a. Proceeds of the loan were used to finance trade-related operations of Ukrgasbank customers.
Ukrgasbank Paid a Coupon of its D-Series Bonds
On 19 May 2012, Ukrgasbank paid a coupon of its D-series bonds for the nineteenth coupon period for the total of UAH 280,905.38 or UAH 39.89 per bond.
Expert Rating Agency Improved Ukrgasbank’s Ratings Outlook to Positive
Expert Rating Agency has resolved to improve the outlook for the credit rating of Ukrgasbank and the rating of its bonds of C, D і Е series rating to positive. The rating was confirmed at uaBBB+ national scale.
Ukrgasbank has won a tender
Ukrgasbank has won in a tender for choosing the lead manager and underwriter of the local bonds issue for the City of Zaporizhia of L, M and N series. It is planned to issue bonds for the total of UAH 50 million with the tenor of two to four years.
Ukrgasbank confirmed its leadership in the OVGZ market
Ukrgasbank remains a leader in the local government bonds market, ranking third by the volume of trades in the stock and over-the-counter markets. 
Ukrgasbank Paid a Coupon of B-Series Cherkasy Municipal Bonds
On 24 May 2012, Ukrgasbank paid a coupon under the B-series local bonds of the Cherkasy City Council for the third coupon period for the total of UAH 2,094,000 which accounts for UAH 34.90 per bond. JSB “Ukrgasbank”, acting in its capacity as the Paying Agent, has paid the coupon at the following address: 39 Chervonoarmiiska St., Kyiv 01004.
Ukrgasbank has become one of the most profitable banks in Ukraine
According to the NBU data for January – March 2012 Ukrgasbank was among the top-10 banks in the Ukrainian banking market by net profit.
Ukrgasbank Paid a Coupon of its C-Series Bonds
On 03 May 2012, Ukrgasbank paid a coupon of its C-series bonds for the nineteenth coupon period for the total of UAH 208,824.15 which stands for UAH 39.89 per bond. The coupon was paid at the following address: 1 Yerevanska St., Kyiv 03087.
Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A and B
On May 3, 2012 Ukrgasbank JSB has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A and B for the 18th interest period in the amount of UAH 539,836.67, incl. series A – UAH 39,387.67 and series B – UAH 500,449.00 i.e. UAH 25.93 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by Ukrgasbank JSB as a Paying Agent at: 39 Chervonoarmyiska, Kyiv, 01004.
Ukrgasbank Made a Record Profit
Net profit of Ukrgasbank for the three months ended 31.03.2012 made UAH 94.5 million under Ukrainian Accounting Standards. This is an absolute record for the 18-year history of the bank compared to a respective period in the previous years.
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Boryspil City Council, series A
On April 19, 2012 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Boryspil City Council, series A for the 15th interest period in the amount of UAH 302,940.00, i.e. UAH 33.66 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ as a Paying Agent at: 39 Chervonoarmyiska, Kyiv, 01004.
Ukrgasbank Annual General Shareholders Meeting
Ukrgasbank Annual General Shareholders Meeting was held on 06 April 2012. The meeting reviewed reports of the bank’s Auditing Committee and external auditor on the bank’s YE2011 business results. In particular, the following YE2011 indicators were announced during the meeting:
Expert Rating Agency Confirmed Credit Rating of Ukrgasbank at uaВВВ +
Expert Rating Agency confirmed credit rating of JSB “Ukrgasbank” and its bonds of C, D and E series at uaВВВ+. This rating proves strong creditworthiness of the financial institution.
Ukrgasbank Ranked 2nd by Deposits among Ukrainian Banks According to Kommersant-Ukraine Publishing House
JSB “Ukrgasbank” has occupied a top-10 position in a number of nominations in the Top-50 Banks of Ukraine rating according to Kommersant-Ukraine Publishing House. In particular, it ranked 2nd in the “savings deposit” nomination. It is the best position the bank has taken in the eleven nominations rated.
Standard Rating Confirmed Ukrgasbank Reliability
Ukrgasbank ranked 12th among the 35 most reliable banks in Ukraine based on 2011 results.
Ukrgasbank is in top 10 Ukrainian banking rating of “Kommersant-Ukraina”
JSB Ukrgasbank occupied the leading positions in nominations of “Top 50 banks in Ukraine” in the rating of business publication “Kommersant-Ukraina”: 3d place by SMEs and entrepreneurs financing, 5th place by auto lending, 8th place by large business lending, 9th place by bank’s geographical footprint and 10th place by number of banking outlets. In overall ranking Ukrgasbank occupied the 14th position among top 50 financial institutions of Ukraine.
Ukrgasbank has launched high secured technologies of Visa Gold cardholders servicing
A new technology of authentication of Visa Gold cards with EMV chip significantly improves the level of security against fraud. The main advantage of DDA (Dynamic Data Authentication) of EMV chip cards is a method of generation of dynamic password during the authentication of every transaction providing the higher level of security against fraud.
Dear shareholders of Public Joint-Stock Company Joint-Stock Bank “Ukrgasbank”,
The Supervisory Board of Public Joint-Stock Company Joint-Stock Bank “Ukrgasbank” (located at the address: 03087, Kyiv, 1 Yerevanska Str.) (hereinafter – Ukrgasbank JSB) informed of the holding of the Annual General Meeting of shareholders of Ukrgasbank JSB.
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