The first joint webinar with IFC on solar power plants for self-consumption

On March 24, 2021, the first joint webinar with International Finance Corporation (IFC) "Solar power plants for self-consumption for the Ukrainian enterprises" was held. The webinar focused on the prospects and economic benefits of installing solar power plants for self-consumption at the Ukrainian enterprises. The webinar was held within the framework of a joint project of IFC and JSB “UKRGASBANK”, which aims to develop the market for sustainable energy and sustainable development projects.

The webinar was attended by SME-representatives interested in energy modernization to reduce energy consumption and increase energy independence by using inexpensive and environmentally friendly solar energy.

During the webinar, the representatives of IFC and popular Ukrainian EPC-contractor “Atmosphere” with extensive field experience in installing solar plants for self-consumption shared the theoretical and practical principles of developing solar power plants installation projects for self-consumption. Oleksii Savin, head of Ecological Projects Department of JSB “UKRGASBANK”, told about the programs and key conditions for financing solar energy projects for self-consumption at UKRGASBANK.

To watch the webinar recording, follow the link:

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