Official statement of JSB "UKRGASBANK" regarding the information of NABU and SAPO on the announcement of suspicion to the former Chairman of the Management Board of JSB "UKRGASBANK"

Today, 6 October, the press service of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine reported information on suspicion to Mr Kyrylo Shevchenko, the former Chairman of the Management Board of JSB "UKRGASBANK", in the case of illegal activities of officials of the state-owned JSB "UKRGASBANK".

At the same time, some media spread information about the alleged notification of the same suspicion to Mr Andrii Kravets, the current Chairman of the Management Board of JSB "UKRGASBANK".

The press service of JSB "UKRGASBANK" informs that Mr Andrii Kravets, the incumbent Chairman of the Management Board of JSB "UKRGASBANK", has not received any notices of suspicion and did not participate in the events mentioned in the press releases of NABU and SAPO.

According to the information published by NABU and SAPO, the events took place in 2014-2020.

Currently, Mr Andrii Kravets, the Chairman of the Management Board of JSB "UKRGASBANK", is at his workplace and performs his official duties.

Regarding the allegations of NABU and SAPO, all management bodies of JSB "UKRGASBANK" conducted the necessary internal checks of the facts stated. Internationally recognized audit companies have additionally been involved.

We would like to emphasize that JSB "UKRGASBANK" carries out anti-corruption checks of the Bank's business partners. In the event of establishing economic and civil legal relations with business partners, JSB "UKRGASBANK" has always been and remains open in its interaction with public authorities, therefore, in case of request, it will provide a comprehensive assistance in carrying out the necessary procedural actions to the relevant investigative authorities.


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