UKRGASBANK earned UAH 489 million profit in January-February 2023

In 2023, UKRGASBANK continues to maintain stable and profitable performance. The Bank's net profit totals UAH 489 million for the first two months of 2023. This is 4 times more, compared to the same period of the previous year.

The volume of assets increased by UAH 3.3 billion in January-February (net of foreign currency effects) and totaled UAH 135.2 billion. Overall, during this period, UKRGASBANK funding base increased by UAH 3.9 billion (net of foreign currency effects) and amounted to UAH 115.9 billion. In particular, the volume of UAH balances due to customers grew by UAH 6.5 billion.

"Since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion, UKRGASBANK has been demonstrating the stable operations of branches and effective customer service, providing credit support to businesses, and financing the restoration of the destroyed infrastructure of Ukrainian cities. We always stand together with our customers and partners. Since the beginning of the year, the efficient performance of the Bank allowed demonstrating profitable activity and improving operational indicators. This year we face new challenges, and I am sure that we will withstand them with dignity and ensure the further financial stability of the Bank," said Rodion Morozov, acting Chairman of the Management Board of UKRGASBANK.


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