Changes in UKRGASBANK Supervisory Board Composition

On May 3, 2023, the decision of the general meeting of shareholders of UKRGASBANK to terminate the powers of the Chairman and members of the Supervisory Board, as well as to elect a new composition of the Supervisory Board, entered into force. The updated composition of the Supervisory Board includes:

  • Yana Buhrimova - representative of the shareholder - the state of Ukraine;
  • Maryna Lazebna - representative of the shareholder - the state of Ukraine;
  • Yuriy Blaschuk – independent board member;
  • Sanela Pašić  – independent board member;
  • Per Anders Fasth – independent board member. 

Yana Buhrimova, Maryna Lazebna and Yuriy Blaschuk were members of the previous Supervisory Board. At the general meeting of shareholders of the Bank on February 6, 2023, they were re-elected to the new Supervisory Board composition. The powers of Teimour Bagirov, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and members of the Board Slawomir Konias and Shrenik Davda were terminated. 

“I am sure that the updated composition of the Supervisory Board will continue harmonious cooperation and constructive interaction in solving the urgent tasks that the bank is currently facing and will face in future. And this is especially important in the conditions of a full-scale war. We must hold the financial front together, fulfilling our obligations to clients in full and supporting the state's economy for a common Victory. Also, on behalf of the Management Board and staff of UKRGASBANK, I would like to express sincere gratitude to the members of the Supervisory Board who are leaving for their work and dedication to the Bank and Ukraine, and wish them success in their future activities. We felt their comprehensive support and maximum involvement in maintaining the stable and profitable operation of our financial institution,” said Rodion Morozov, Acting Chairman of the Management Board of Ukrgasbank.


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