UKRGASBANK financed Ukrainian trade finance deals for UAH 3.3 billion in May 2023

The state-owned UKRGASBANK continues to support its customers and the economy of Ukraine during the war. Gennadiy Khelemskyy, Director of the Structured Trade Finance Department of UKRGASBANK, announced at the Grain Ukraine 2023 conference that UKRGASBANK concluded 54 new trade finance deals for UAH 3.33 billion in May 2023 alone. He shared UKRGASBANK's experience in supporting domestic businesses during the full-scale russian invasion.

Recently, the Bank received two awards from the EBRD: "Most Active Issuing Bank " under the EBRD Trade Facilitation Program (TFP) and the "Deal of the Year - Green Trade".

UKRGASBANK also received two awards from Global Trade Review, the most influential publishing company in trade finance: “The Best Trade Finance Bank in Eastern Europe" in 2022 and the best import deal in 2022.

"Despite challenging times for Ukraine, we continue maintaining our leadership on par with well-known global players. Not only has UKRGASBANK been invited to global trade finance events, but we also compete in different nominations and win. The Bank carries out the best deals and decently positions itself in the international arena," noted Gennadiy Khelemskyy, Director of the Structured Trade Finance Department of UKRGASBANK.


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