UKRGASBANK earned UAH 2.9 billion for seven months of 2023

Since the beginning of 2023, UKRGASBANK, a systemically important Ukrainian bank, has been demonstrating profitable and efficient performance. The Bank's net profit totaled UAH 2.9 billion for seven months of 2023, compared to a loss of UAH 3.5 billion for the same period in 2022.

In general, as of August 1, 2023:

  • the Bank’s assets reached UAH 158.6 billion, having increased by UAH 26.4 billion since the beginning of the year (here and below net of foreign currency exchange rate differences);
  • the domestic government bonds portfolio amounted to UAH 36.3 billion, having increased by UAH 14.2 billion;
  • the portfolio of the NBU three-month deposit certificates totaled more than UAH 11.4 billion, due to the growth of the tree-month term household deposits in Hryvnia. Thus, the portfolio of household deposits in Hryvnia amounted to UAH 9.1 billion, having increased by almost UAH 3 billion since the beginning of the year;
  • the volume of funds due to customers totaled almost UAH 136.1 billion, having increased by UAH 23.5 billion, including Hryvnia balances, having increased by UAH 17.9 billion.

UKRGASBANK continues supporting critically important sectors of the economy. In 2023, the Bank provided almost UAH 5 billion financing to Ukrainian business, of which UAH 2.8 billion was directed to finance the needs of agricultural and food industry enterprises, and another UAH 1.6 billion was granted to electricity and trade enterprises. UKRGASBANK, as a trade finance leader in the Ukrainian market, concluded 400 deals for more than UAH 6 billion to support trade, exports, and imports.

“UKRGASBANK maintains profitable activity and remains a reliable partner for its customers. We continue financing strategically important industries and sustainable projects, as well as introduce new products and services,” noted Rodion Morozov, acting Chairman of the Management Board of UKRGASBANK.


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