Press Statement

Lately, UKRGASBANK has been receiving inquiries from clients and partners regarding the information published by certain information resources concerning independent members of the Supervisory Board of UKRGASBANK. We would like to make a statement that this information is openly manipulative and does not align with reality.

The institute of independent members serves as an effective mechanism to ensure transparency and efficient operations of state-owned financial institutions. Candidates elected by General Meeting of Shareholders, proposed by the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine and selected through a transparent competitive process, subsequently approved by the National Bank of Ukraine, for the positions of independent members on the Supervisory Board of UKRGASBANK, ensure constructive collaboration with the Management Board to address systemic issues in the bank's operation.

“All of this looks like another futile attempt to undermine the trust in such a vital institute as independent members of supervisory boards. I am confident that this will in no way impact the steadfast positions of both the Shareholder and the Regulator, and furthermore – the stable and profitable activity of UKRGASBANK," noted Acting Chairman of the Management Board of UKRGASBANK, Rodion Morozov.


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