UKRGASBANK starts financing MSMEs with grant support from the German Government

Ukrainian enterprises – clients of UKRGASBANK – can obtain financing and grant support from the German Government due to collaboration between UKRGASBANK and Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation (DSIK), which recently signed an agreement allowing to implement a crucial project for the business and economy of Ukraine 'Access to Finance and Support for MSMEs in Ukraine II.'

Priority will be given to micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises primarily from areas affected by the war or relocated enterprises. 

Internally displaced enterprises and/or businesses from the de-occupied territories can receive:

  • maximum grant amount: up to 30% of the investment project amount but not exceeding EUR 30,000 in UAH equivalent.
  • up to 20% of the total loan amount for working capital financing but not exceeding EUR 20,000 in UAH equivalent.

Other SMEs will have the opportunity to receive grants up to 20% of the project cost for financing investment projects or working capital.

The maximum loan amount is EUR 240,000 in UAH equivalent.

It is important that financing under this program can be combined with the state program 'Affordable Loans 5-7-9%' and the state portfolio guarantees program.

The program is implemented under the international cooperation program ReACT4UA (Utilisation and Implementation of the Association Agreement between the EU and Ukraine in the field of trade), funded by the German Government. The project aims to enhance the SME competitiveness and sustainability, especially in view of joining EU. The project is implemented by Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with Deutsche Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation (DSIK) and the Business Development Fund under the project 'Access to Finance and Support for MSMEs in Ukraine II.

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of JSB 'UKRGASBANK' and does not necessarily reflect the position of the German Government.


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