
The National Bank of Ukraine approved Andriі Kravets as the Chairman of the Management Board of JSB “UKRGASBANK”

The National Bank of Ukraine approved Andriі Kravets as the Chairman of the Management Board of JSB “UKRGASBANK”. Mr. Kravets has taken the office starting from 16 November 2020.

One hundred transactions with the EBRD to support Ukrainian business

Today UKRGASBANK has made a remarkable one hundredth transaction for Ukrainian business under trade finance limit provided by the EBRD. The cooperation with our international partner started in summer 2019 with the limit of USD 40 million. Thanks to active work in supporting our customers international business, the limit was increased up to USD 170 million in spring 2020. So far, the Bank has already carried out transactions worth more than USD 100 million.

Supervisory Board appointed Mr. Andriі Kravets as the Chairman of Management Board of JSB “UKRGASBANK”

Supervisory Board of JSB “UKRGASBANK” during its meeting on 02 November 2020 unanimously has decided to appoint Mr. Andriі Kravets as the Chairman of Management Board of JSB “UKRGASBANK”.

Fitch affirmed UKRGASBANK Ratings

Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of UKRGASBANK at 'B' with a Stable Outlook. The rating is in line with the Fitch's current sovereign credit rating for Ukraine.

UKRGASBANK is the leader in assets growth

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, UKRGASBANK is the leader of the Ukrainian banking sector in assets growth.

BSTDB Helps Green Financing and Post-pandemic Recovery of SMEs in Ukraine
The Black Sea Trade and Development Bank (BSTDB) is providing a EUR 30 million loan to a leading Ukrainian Ukrgasbank to promote green financing for energy efficiency, renewable energy and other environmentally friendly…
UKRGASBANK has given UAH 1 billion worth loans to Ukrainian business under “Affordable loans 5-7-9%” program

UKRGASBANK holds a leading position among state-owned banks in providing loans to Ukrainian SMEs under “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%” program. The Bank has issued UAH 1 billion of “affordable loans”, 80%of which were directed towards investment purposes.

1-Year Anniversary of UN Principles for Responsible Banking

Exactly one year ago, on 22 September 2019, more than 130 banks in the presence of the UN Secretary General signed the first-ever global sustainability framework for the banking industry: the UN Principles for Responsible Banking. Signatories commit to align their business strategy and practice with the Sustainable Development Goals set in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement.

UKRGASBANK earned UAH 680 million profit for 8 months of 2020
Since the beginning of the year, the net profit of UKRGASBANK has grown up to UAH 680 million. This is twice as much, compared to the same period last year. For reference: currently UKRGASBANK is one of the five largest…
UKRGASBANK has issued half a billion of investment loans "5-7-9%"

UKRGASBANK is an absolute leader in providing affordable loans "5-7-9%" for Ukrainian SMEs. Currently, the Bank has granted UAH 500 million of investment loans "5-7-9%" to finance long-term high-potential projects.

UKRGASBANK reports UAH 554 million in profit

For seven months of 2020, net profit of UKRGASBANK has grown to UAH 554 million. This is almost twice as much as profit for the respective period of the previous year (UAH 288 million).

Ukrgasbank earned UAH 437 million profit for 6 months of 2020

Net profit of Ukrgasbank has grown to UAH 437 million, year to date. This is 1.6 times more, compared to the same period last year.

UKRGASBANK and UNIDO to launch a loan guarantee fund for implementing energy management system in Ukrainian industry

The United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) and JSB “UKRGASBANK” have signed a contract that will enable the launch and operation of a USD 1.5 Million Loan Guarantee Fund as special financial mechanism within the framework of the UNIDO-GEF project “Introduction of Energy Management System Standard in Ukrainian Industry”. Supported by national stakeholders, and cross-guaranteed by Citibank Europe PLC, the Loan Guarantee Fund is foremost aimed to facilitate industrial companies with getting access to capital for implementation of energy management systems in line with ISO 50001 and other energy efficiency measures. The Loan Guarantee Fund is the first and one of the kind guarantee based financial mechanism launched by a UN agency with a selected financial partner in Ukraine.

UKRGASBANK earned UAH 404 million profit

State-owned UKRGASBANK has earned UAH 404 million profit for 5 months 2020. This is 1.6 times more compared to the same period of 2019.

More support for business - EBRD trade finance limit increased by USD 90 million

UKRGASBANK efforts to support international business of its clients brought new results. For the second time in less than a year of cooperation with the EBRD under the Trade Facilitation Program (TFP), we managed to increase the trade finance limit. This time, it has more than doubled and now totals USD 170 million.

UKRGASBANK profit increased more than 1.6 times

Since the beginning of the year, state-owned UKRGASBANK has earned UAH 381 million profit, which surpasses the last year results more than 1.6 times. Last year, net profit for the same period totaled UAH 227 million.

Ukrgasbank is the Best Issuing Bank in Eastern Europe in 2019

The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, named the state-owned Ukrgasbank the Best Issuing Bank in Eastern Europe in 2019. The bank received this high recognition for its achievements in IFC’s Global Trade Finance Program, which we joined in the fall of 2017.

UKRGASBANK continues to expand its trade finance portfolio

UKRGASBANK continues to support its clients' foreign trade activities, thus steadily expanding its portfolio of trade finance deals. Thus, according to the results of the first quarter of this year, the volume of such deals increased to more than 14 billion UAH, which is 30% more than at the beginning of January.

UKRGASBANK assets grew to UAH 140 billion in 2020

Assets of the Bank totaled UAH 140 million as of March 1, 2020 posting a growth of UAH 20.7 billion for the first two months of 2020.

Kyrylo Shevchenko, UKRGASBANK CEO: the Bank operates as usual and is safe for the clients to visit

All branches of UKRGASBANK operate full-time without any limitations for the clients.

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