
UKRGASBANK Showed High Performance Results According To NBU Stress-Test

On December 28, 2018, the National Bank of Ukraine announced the results of stress-testing for 25 largest Ukrainian banks. Stress-tests were run under baseline scenario which envisaged normal development for the Ukrainian economy, as well as under stressed scenario, envisaging significant deterioration in the macroeconomic situation.

Ukrgasbank will openly accredit EPC contractors

Ukrgasbank has launched a new line of services - a public procedure for accrediting EPC contractors, general contractors for the construction of renewable energy industrial facilities.

Ukrgasbank receives EUR 15 million trade finance loan from a European bank

Ukrgasbank has obtained a bilateral unsecured loan in the amount of EUR 15 million from a leading European bank. The 6-month loan will be used to finance foreign trade transactions of Ukrgasbank’s clients.

China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation to cooperate with Ukrgasbank on green financing

China Export and Credit Insurance Corporation, or Sinosure, has announced its intention to cooperate with Ukrgasbank on green finance projects.

Ukrgasbank reports UAH 688m profit, exceeds annual target

In the first 11 months of 2018, the net profit of Ukrgasbank amounted to UAH 688m, which has already exceeded its annual target.

UKRGASBANK is the only bank without foreign capital in Ukraine’s Top-5 most stable banks

Ukrainian state-owned bank, Ukrgasbank, has become the first bank without foreign capital to join the top five most stable banks in Ukraine, according to an expert survey.  

UKRGASBANK financed the construction of the first solar photovoltaic station in Chernobyl
Ukrgasbank provided an eco-loan worth EUR 740,000 for the construction of a unique Solar Photovoltaic Station in the city of Pripyat in the Chernobyl exclusion zone. The new station is expected to generate 1MW annually…
UKRGASBANK has joined the Polish Government Program for Exports Support

UKRGASBANK has joined the Polish Government Program for Exports Support with a credit line from the Polish state development bank Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK). UKRGASBANK’s participation in the Program and the credit line established by BGK gives a number of advantages to the UKRGASBANK’s customers importing goods from Poland.

UKRGASBANK and ERU Trading are expanding their cooperation and starting to work on the Ukrainian market with new products

UKRGASBANK increased the trade finance limit for ERU Trading to UAH 650 million, in which it issued the first direct guarantee to the European gas supplier to Ukraine.

UKRGASBANK received an increase in the trade finance limit from IFC

UKRGASBANK is proud to announce an increase of USD 20 million in trade finance limit  from the International Financial Corporation (IFC) under the GTFP (Global Trade Facilitation Program). The total amount of the Ukrgasbank’s GTFP limit has now reached USD 40 million.

UKRGASBANK cares about the environment by supporting environmental projects of a private investor

UKRGASBANK has entered into UAH 7.5 million loan agreement with LNK LLC to finance purchase of a gas engine generator for a biogas power plant of LNK LLC in Cherkasy Oblast.

UKRGASBANK along with Canadian Investor are Developing the Alternative Energy Sector in Ukraine

The State UKRGASBANK and TIU Canada, the first Canadian investor to construct solar projects in Ukraine since 2010, have begun cooperation in increasing the capacity of renewable energy sources.

UKRGASBANK became the first Ukrainian partner of the carbon pricing leadership coalition

UKRGASBANK became the first partner from Ukraine to join the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition, a community of climate leaders brought together with the goal of putting in place effective carbon pricing policies that maintain competitiveness, create jobs, encourage innovation, and deliver meaningful emissions reductions.

UKRGASBANK participated in The Global Forum on Climate Finance Innovate4Climate

On May 22-24, 2018 UKRGASBANK participated in The Global Forum on Climate Finance Innovate4Climate in Frankfurt, Germany, where Ukrgasbank CEO Kyrylo Shevchenko presented the results and plans of the ECO-bank operation in Ukraine.

In the Year 2017 Ukrgasbank advanced 17 K “Warm Loans” Amounting to UAH 452 mln

In the year 2017 within the framework of government policy “Warm house” of efficient use of energy resources Ukrgasbank advanced to Ukrainian citizens 16 694 loans amounting to UAH 452 million.

`Ukrgasbank’s Profit for the Year 2017 Amounted to UAH 624 Million`- Kyrylo Shevchenko

Following the results of its activity in 2017, the profit of Ukrgasbank amounted to UAH 624 million, which is nearly 20% higher than the target figure, approved by the Bank's Supervisory Board.

The net profit of UKRGASBANK reached UAH 539 million

UKRGASBANK generated net profit of UAH 539 million for 11 months of 2017, which is 22% higher than the target figure.

UKRGASBANK is Recognized the Best in Providing the Most Reliable Deposits Among Ukrainian State-Owned Banks

UKRGASBANK earned the highest reliability rating of bank deposits among Ukrainian state-owned banks. Such results of "Rating of Bank Deposits Reliability" were released by the rating agency "Standard-Rating" (Ukraine) based on the analysis of Ukrainian banks for the 9 months of 2017.

EIB Group and Ukrgasbank to support EUR 50 million of SME financing in Ukraine under the EU4Business initiative

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) – jointly the EIB Group – today signed a guarantee agreement with Ukrgasbank to support the equivalent of EUR 50 million of lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Ukraine.

IFC and the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine Help Set Stage for Privatization of Ukrgasbank

IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, and Ukrgasbank signed a Memorandum of Understanding today that will help set the stage for the privatization of Ukrgasbank, Ukraine’s fourth-largest lender. 

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