Address of the Supervisory Board of UKRGASBANK on Kyrylo Shevchenko’s appointment to the position of the NBU Chairman

Chairman of The Supervisory Board Shrenik Davda: Congratulations and best wishes to Kyrylo Shevchenko, on his appointment as Governor of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU).

On behalf of the Supervisory Board of Ukrgasbank, I would like to take this opportunity to pay tribute to Kyrylo for his central role in leading the team that delivered the remarkable turnaround of Ukrgasbank, from a failing bank into a profitable market leader, ready to undertake the first phase of privatisation.

Kyrylo Shevchenko is a strong leader, who combines excellent management skills with clear strategic vision and deep banking knowledge. We are confident that he has all the attributes necessary to effectively lead the NBU. It has been a real privilege to work closely with him over the past 5 years.

Whilst Kyrylo Shevchenko leaves big shoes to fill we are fortunate at Ukrgasbank to have a talented senior management team. In our First Deputy CEO, Andrii Kravets, we have the perfect senior executive with a wealth of senior banking experience and we are happy to have approved him yesterday July 16 as our Acting Chairman of the Management Board until the new CEO is appointed.


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