UKRGASBANK financed the construction of the first solar photovoltaic station in Chernobyl

Ukrgasbank provided an eco-loan worth EUR 740,000 for the construction of a unique Solar Photovoltaic Station in the city of Pripyat in the Chernobyl exclusion zone.

The new station is expected to generate 1MW annually. This will be enough to meet the needs of 1100 mid-range rural households. To date, the station has already generated more than 94 thousand kWh of electricity.

Experts estimate that the new station will help to reduce CO2 emissions by 467 tons per year. This project financing is part of Ukrgasbank’s strategic cooperation with Rodina company to build renewable energy projects in the exclusion zone.

The solar station project consists of 3762 Jinko solar photo modules with a capacity of 265 watts, 14 Sungrow inverters with a single output of 60kW. The rest of the equipment is manufactured in Ukraine.

"As a leading eco-bank, we could not overlook environmental issues of national importance such as attracting green investments to the exclusion zone. By constructing solar power stations that will generate clean energy for consumers, we will finally start using the exclusion zone for the benefit of Ukrainians. We also supported the implementation of this project because the solar energy potential in the exclusion zone is higher than most other places in Europe located at the same latitude”, said Rodion Morozov, Head of Environmental Projects at Ukrgasbank.

To date, Ukrgasbank has funded 129 large-scale renewable energy projects. Among them are 94 solar, 5 wind and 8 biogas power plants, as well as 18 small hydroelectric power stations and 4 TPPs on biomass. According to Ukraine’s National Commission for Regulating Issues in Energy and Utilities Sectors, more than 65% of new renewable energy facilities in early 2018 were financed by Ukrgasbank.  

As a result of Ukrgasbank’s green finance activities, Ukrainian companies have already saved UAH 725 million and reduced CO2 emissions by around 951 thousand tons.


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