
Serhiy Mamedov was Recognized as the Most Effective Banker in the Last Five Years According to ‘Capital’ Business Newspaper
Serhiy Mamedov, Chairman of the Board of Ukrgasbank, was recognized as one of the top bankers of Ukraine in the last five years according to ‘Capital 500.The Best Companies of Ukraine’.
Ukrgasbank is Among the Top-Ten Most Dynamic Banks of Ukraine
Ukrgasbank holds the 7th position among the most dynamic banks according to ‘Capital’ business newspaper. In making rating the newspaper analyzed assets growth dynamics of each Ukrainian bank for the last five years.
“Expert-Rating” Confirmed Ukrgasbank Rating at uaA+

Rating Agency “Expert-Rating” made a decision to confirm Ukrgasbank credit rating at uaA+. A borrower with uaA+ rating is characterized by high creditability in comparison with other Ukrainian borrowers.

Ukrgasbank Paid Interest Income on L-, M- and N-Series Bonds of Zaporizhia City Council

On 12 September 2013, Ukrgasbank paid interest income on registered interest-bearing local bonds of L, M and N series of Zaporizhia City Council for the third interest period in the amount of UAH 2 169 000.00 which accounts for UAH 43.38 per bond. The issue and primary placement of the local bonds of Zaporizhia City Council were lead-managed by Ukrgasbank.

Ukrgasbank Has Got New Licenses for Carrying out Depositary Activity

In pursuance of the provisions of the Law of Ukraine On Depositary Activity of Ukraine No. 5178-VI, which comes into force on 12 October 2013, Ukrgasbank has obtained new licenses of the Securities and Stock Market State Commission. The licenses permit carrying out of depositary activity, keeping assets of mutual investment institutions and pension funds and shall become valid from 12 October 2013.

Ukrgasbank Is Among Top-10 Most Effective Banks in Ukraine

Ukrgasbank is number 6 among Ukrainian banks by return on equity (ROE) with the ratio of 25.4%.

Ukrgasbank Paid Interest Income on B-Series Bonds of Cherkasy City Council

On 22 August 2013, Ukrgasbank paid interest income on registered interest-bearing local bonds of Cherkasy City Council of B-series for the 8th interest period for the total of UAH 2,094,000.00, which accounts for UAH 34.90 per bond. JSB “Ukrgasbank”, acting in its capacity as the Paying Agent, paid the interest income at the following address: 39 Chervonoarmiiska St., Kyiv 01004.

JSB “Ukrgasbank” Ended 1H2013 with Profit of UAH 528 million
Ukrgasbank made a profit of UAH 528 million for the first six months of 2013 that is three times as much as a profit for a respective period a year before.
Ukrgasbank Held Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting
The Extraordinary General Shareholders Meeting of JSB “Ukrgasbank” took place on 03 July 2013. The key subject of the meeting was amending the bank’s articles of Association triggered by the coming into force, since 12 October 2013, of the Law of Ukraine “On the Depositary System of Ukraine”.
Ukrgasbank expands its partnership with Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
On 26 June 2013, JSB “Ukrgasbank” signed an agreement expanding the scope USD correspondent account cooperation between JSB “Ukrgasbank” and Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas. The agreement was signed during the working visit of Ukrgasbank representatives to Deutsche Bank AG (New York, USA) for the participation in the Global Banking Operations Workshop.
Ukrgasbank Paid a Coupon of B-Series Cherkasy Municipal Bonds
On 23 May 2013, Ukrgasbank paid a coupon under the B-series local bonds of the Cherkasy City Council for the VІI coupon period for the total of UAH 2,094,000 which accounts for UAH 34.90 per bond. JSB “Ukrgasbank”, acting in its capacity as the Paying Agent, has paid the coupon at the following address: 39 Chervonoarmiiska St., Kyiv 01004.
Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (Poland) established a limit on Ukrgasbank
JSB “Ukrgasbank” joined the Polish government program “Financial Support for Exporters” implemented through the Polish state-owned Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego (BGK) and received a limit of EUR 14 million.
Results of Ukrgasbank for January 2013
Ukrgasbank posted net profit of UAH 330 million from its financial operations in January 2013. Operational income for January 2013 was UAH 94 million. Return on assets reached 20% as of 01.02.2013.
Ukrgasbank is Among the Top-10 Banks by ATM Network Size
JSB “Ukrgasbank” is among the top-10 banks by the number of ATMs according to the Kommersant newspaper with 575 ATMs throughout Ukraine.
Ukrgasbank Made the Highest Ever Annual Profit for its Entire History
Ukrgasbank made UAH 1.1 billion profit by the results of 2012. It is a record level for the entire 20-year history of the bank and one of the best results among local banks last year. Ukrgasbank also posted one of the highest ROE ratios among Ukrainian banks, almost 36%. Income of the bank reached UAH 2.5 billion for 2012.
JSB “Ukrgasbank” has summarized its financial results for November 2012. Net profit of the bank for the previous month made UAH 596.5 million; UAH 1.1 billion since YE2011. It is the highest financial result for the corresponding reporting period in the entire history of the financial institution.
Delo Internet Portal (Ekonomika Publishing House) published data on financial results of the 10 most profitable banks in Ukraine for the 9 months 2012. Ukrgasbank is No.15 by assets and No. 6 by profit with the result of UAH 291 million (No. 4 in the group of the largest Ukrainian banks according to the NBU classification).
Net profit of Ukrgasbank in 3Q2012 was UAH 108.3 million, totaling UAH 290.8 million since the beginning of the year and outperforming the plan by 32.3%. Such result accounts for about 10% of the banking system profit for the first eight months of 2012.
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of series B registered interest bearing bonds of ‘Euro Leasing’ Ltd.
On October 4, 2012 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ paid yield interest of series B registered interest bearing bonds of ‘Euro Leasing’ Ltd. The payment of yield interest was made for the 20th interest period in the amount of UAH 861 583.80, i.e. UAH 37.40 par.
Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of series A registered bonds of the Verhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea
On September 21, 2012 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of series A registered unsecured bonds of the Verhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea for the 5th interest period in the amount of UAH 4 807 950.00, i.e. UAH 36.15 par value.
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