
Ukrgasbank is one of the leading sovereign bonds market players
Informational Agency Cdonds released the ranking of stock traders – players at sovereign bonds market of Ukraine at year-end 2011. The rankings reflect the activity of market participants at the exchange market and over-the-counter market in terms of volume and number of transactions closed.
Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of series B registered bonds of Cherkasy city council
On February 23, 2012 Ukrgasbank JSB has paid yield interest of local registered bonds of Cherkasy City Council, series B for the 2nd interest period in the amount of UAH 2,094,000.00, i.e. UAH 34.90 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by Ukrgasbank JSB as a Paying Agent at: 39 Chervonoarmyiska, Kyiv, 01004.
Ukrgasbank’s corporate deposit portfolio continues to grow
Ukrgasbank is actively attracting temporary free funds of budget institutions. As of February 20, 2012 the deposit portfolio of budget institutions reached UAH 392 million. Summarizing the results of the promotional campaign “The best New Year offer from Ukrgasbank” which was held from December 1, 2011 to January 15, 2012, over 100 new and existing customers have concluded with the bank 154 deposit agreements for the total amount of UAH 114.5 million. The most active participants of the promotional campaign appeared to be legal entities of Kyiv, Poltava and Lviv region.
Cash loans are offered at Ukrgasbank
In the framework of the program of Ukrgasbank JSB and Renaissance Capital the cash loans are available at attractive terms and fast track. Every customer aging from 25 to 70 years old has an opportunity to arrange a cash unsecured loan for any purposes. Consumer loans offered by the programme are for the Loan amount of consumer loans offered by the programme may vary up to UAH 20,000 for the term not exceeding 3 years.
Ukrgasbank is an active player at retail market
According to the National Bank of Ukraine data in 4th quarter of 2011 Ukrgasbank enhanced its activity at retail market. Thus, the deposit portfolio of private retail customers of Ukrgasbank has increased by 2.5% exceeding the corresponding index of the whole banking system – 1.9%. The positive dynamics is also presented in retail lending. The growth rate of loan book amounted to 5.1% whereas the loan portfolio of the banking system of Ukraine has shortened by 2.9%.
A new service from Ukrgasbank
Ukrgasbank introduced a new service for motor vehicle owners. An agreement on mandatory vehicle insurance may be concluded in Ukrgasbank’s branches located in Kyiv, Brovary, Vyshgorod, Boryspil and Zhytomyr.
Ukrgasbank started cooperation with Bogdan-Auto Holding
Ukrgasbank JSB together with Bogdan-Auto Holding launched a joint lending program for retail customers. Financial consultants from “Autoretail Assistance” provide the full range of services to customers in the auto salons of Bogdan-Auto Holding. The main advantages of this proposal are as follows: a maximum term of the lending up to 7 years, a minimum downpayment requirement of 10% of the auto value and a fixed interest rate of 17,1% in UAH.
Ukrgasbank is among leaders by payment cards issue
According to the National Bank of Ukraine data Ukrgasbank is among leaders by payment cards issue.
Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A and B
On January 30, 2012 Ukrgasbank JSB has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A and B for the 17th interest period in the amount of UAH 539,836.67, incl. series A – UAH 39,387.67 and series B – UAH 500,449.00 i.e. UAH 25.93 par value.
Ukrgasbank has paid yield interest of registered bonds Series С
On January 30, 2012 Ukrgasbank JSB has paid yield interest of the registered bonds Series C for the 18th interest period in the amount of UAH 459,213.68, i.e. UAH 39.89 par value.
Ukrgasbank is the most active trader of municipal bonds in 2011
PFTS Stock Exchange released the 2011 rating of municipal bonds traders.
Major developments in 2011
Ukrgasbank 2011 financial highlights
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest
On January 17, 2012 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of City Council, series A for the 14th interest period in the amount of UAH 302,940.00, i.e. UAH 33.66 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ as a Paying Agent at: 39 Chervonoarmyiska, Kyiv, 01004.
PFTS Stock Exchange announced the best traders’ rating for December 2011
PFTS Stock Exchange released the stock traders’ rating for the last month.
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of series B registered interest bearing bonds of ‘Euro Leasing’ Ltd.
On January 5, 2012 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of series B registered interest bearing bonds of ‘Euro Leasing’ Ltd. for the 17th interest period in the amount of UAH 190 740.00, i.e. UAH 37.40 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ as a Paying Agent.
Ukrgasbank is one of the 20 most credible banks
Personal Account Journal has released the credibility rating of the banking institutions of Ukraine. The editors office has determined the 20 most credible banks. According to results of the survey Ukrgasbank became one of them.
JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Cherkasy City Council, series B
On November 24, 2011 JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ has paid yield interest of the local registered bonds of Cherkasy City Council, series B for the first interest period in the amount of UAH 2,094,000.00, i.e. UAH 34.90 par value. The payment of yield interest was made by JSB ‘Ukrgasbank’ as a Paying Agent at: 39 Chervonoarmyiska, Kyiv, 01004.
PFTS Stock Exchange announced the best traders’ rating for October 2011
PFTS Stock Exchange released the stock traders’ rating for the last month. According to the results of October 2011 Ukrgasbank JSCB became one of the most active sovereign bonds traders ranking the 3rd position among top 5 leaders.
Credit Rating Agency affirms Ukrgasbank’s rating and the reliability of its deposits
On October 27, 2011 Credit Rating Agency has affirmed the long-term credit rating and the rating of borrower’s liability at uaBBB with a stable outlook and the banking deposit reliability rating on the level “4” (high reliability).
Prior redemption of local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A
On October 31, 2011 a prior redemtion of local registered bonds of Luhansk City Council, series A took place with the total number of 8,481 bonds for the total nominal value of UAH 8,481,000.00.
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