
UKRGASBANK financed Ukrainian trade for UAH 2.9 billion in September

The state-owned UKRGASBANK continues to support its customers and the economy of Ukraine during the war. In September 2023 alone, UKRGASBANK concluded 51 new trade finance deals for UAH 2.89 billion.

UKRGASBANK reported UAH 521.7 million operating profit for August 2023.

In August 2023, UKRGASBANK generated UAH 521.7 million operating profit before provisioning and taxation. It is the record monthly result of the Bank in recent years, achieved due to efficient operation of all its core business lines.

Cashback for SMEs under the EBRD Programme

Despite a full-scale war, Ukrainian businesses continue to operate. UKRGASBANK actively supports SMEs in implementing the projects under EU4Business initiative, with the participation of the EU and the EBRD. The Programme supports the Ukrainian economy during the war and helps Ukrainian companies achieve international manufacturing standards.

Press Statement
Lately, UKRGASBANK has been receiving inquiries from clients and partners regarding the information published by certain information resources concerning independent members of the Supervisory Board of UKRGASBANK. We would…
UKRGASBANK has concluded the 400th trade finance deal since the beginning of the year

UKRGASBANK has conducted 400 trade finance transactions for UAH 8.96 billion since the beginning of 2023.

UKRGASBANK earned UAH 2.9 billion for seven months of 2023

Since the beginning of 2023, UKRGASBANK, a systemically important Ukrainian bank, has been demonstrating profitable and efficient performance. The Bank's net profit totaled UAH 2.9 billion for seven months of 2023, compared to a loss of UAH 3.5 billion for the same period in 2022.

Piotr Kaczmarek was elected as the Chairman of the Management Board of UKRGASBANK
According to the results of a competitive selection, the Supervisory Board of UKRGASBANK elected Mr. Kaczmarek as the Chairman of the Management Board on July 26, 2023. Mr. Kaczmarek will start to perform the duties of the…
UKRGASBANK demonstrated a profit of UAH 2.6 billion for the first half of 2023

Since the beginning of 2023, UKRGASBANK has been demonstrating stable and profitable activity. Thus, the Bank's net profit totaled UAH 2.6 billion for six months of 2023, compared to a loss of almost UAH 3.2 billion for the same period in 2022.

UKRGASBANK earned UAH 2.2 billion profit for the first 5 months of 2023
Since the beginning of 2023, UKRGASBANK, a systemically important bank in Ukraine, has been demonstrating profitable and efficient activity. The Bank's profit totaled UAH 2.2 billion for the past 5 months. The Cost-to-Income…
UKRGASBANK financed Ukrainian trade finance deals for UAH 3.3 billion in May 2023
The state-owned UKRGASBANK continues to support its customers and the economy of Ukraine during the war. Gennadiy Khelemskyy, Director of the Structured Trade Finance Department of UKRGASBANK, announced at the Grain Ukraine…
UKRGASBANK issued UAH 2.4 billion worth of preferential loans to farmers

UKRGASBANK continues to support a strategically important segment of customers - agricultural enterprises. Since the beginning of 2023, the Bank has provided agricultural producers with loans worth almost UAH 2.4 billion for sowing campaign. Mostly, they took loans for the purchase and modernization of agricultural machinery.

Once again the best bank in trade finance according to the EBRD

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) announced the most successful partner banks from around the world and the most active players in Green TFP 2022.

UKRGASBANK recognized as the best trade finance bank in Eastern Europe in 2022, according to Global Trade Review

UKRGASBANK won the international award of Global Trade Review (London), the most authoritative publication in trade finance, in the nomination "The best trade finance bank in Eastern Europe". The award winners were announced at a solemn ceremony in London on May 3, 2023.

Changes in UKRGASBANK Supervisory Board Composition
On May 3, 2023, the decision of the general meeting of shareholders of UKRGASBANK to terminate the powers of the Chairman and members of the Supervisory Board, as well as to elect a new composition of the Supervisory Board…
UKRGASBANK import deal is one of the best in 2022, according to Global Trade Review

Every year, the Global Trade Review (GTR), the most authoritative publication in trade finance, chooses the best market offers for the previous year. The best deals are selected among trade, supply chain, and export-import transactions under applications submitted to GTR.

In 2023, UKRGASBANK’s portfolio of sustainable development projects increased by UAH 550 million

In 2023, UKRGASBANK’s portfolio of sustainable development projects increased by UAH 550 million. The largest part of financing – UAH 520 million was directed to support local communities of two Ukrainian cities. The city councils channeled the funds into the development of municipal medicine, reconstruction of critical infrastructure facilities, and energy-efficient modernization of educational institutions.

UKRGASBANK earned UAH 1.4 billion for the first quarter of 2023

Working under martial law conditions, UKRGASBANK demonstrates stability and profitable activity. Based on the first quarter 2023 results, the Bank’s net profit totaled UAH 1.4 billion. 

UKRGASBANK to finance SME energy-efficient projects for the total of EUR 4 million under the Add Energy to Your Business Program

On April 6, the presentation of the Add Energy to Your Business Program took place within the framework of the Refinancing Energy-Efficient Investments of Ukrainian SMEs via Financial Sector Project. The project is financed by the German Government through the German Development Bank KfW with the support of the EU under the EU4Business initiative.

UKRGASBANK earned UAH 489 million profit in January-February 2023

In 2023, UKRGASBANK continues to maintain stable and profitable performance. The Bank's net profit totals UAH 489 million for the first two months of 2023. This is 4 times more, compared to the same period of the previous year.

UKRGASBANK is Ukraine’s systemically important bank

The National Bank of Ukraine carried out an annual review of systemically important banks. State-owned UKRGASBANK has once again entered this list.

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