
UKRGASBANK comment on the measures taken by the National Bank of Ukraine towards UKRGASBANK in relation to the violation in the sphere of financial monitoring and information on the alleged tax evasion by the gambling business
Being fully aware of the responsibility to our clients, partners and stakeholders, Ukrgasbank makes the following statement. Since 2000, Ukrgasbank has been a principal member of the largest international payment systems…
Official Statement on the Resignation of Andrii Kravets, UKRGASBANK Chairman of the Management Board

On 9 February 2023, Andrii Kravets, UKRGASBANK Chairman of the Management Board, submitted his voluntary resignation due to deteriorating health.

UAH 1.2 billion worth of trade finance transactions carried out in January 2023

With the beginning of the new year, we already have impressive results: in January 2023 alone, UKRGASBANK carried out 47 trade finance transactions for UAH 1.175 billion.

UKRGASBANK joined the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
Since 2016, UKRGASBANK has focused its efforts on minimizing the carbon footprint, prioritizing the financing of sustainable development projects, including renewable energy, resource efficiency, and energy efficiency projects…
UKRGAZBANK and GIZ to support industrial enterprises

UKRGAZBANK joined GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit) grant program to support industrial enterprises.

UKRGASBANK issued a letter of credit for the purchase of biogas plant equipment for a leading Ukrainian agricultural enterprise

In just a few days, the state UKRGASBANK processed and issued a documentary letter of credit to purchase biogas plant equipment from a Danish global manufacturer.

UKRGASBANK joined the power banking network of Ukrainian banks

Power banking is a unified network of banks with more than 1,000 branches throughout Ukraine set up on the initiative of the National Bank of Ukraine.

The Business Development Fund and UKRGASBANK to finance SME investments in energy supply and energy efficiency

On December 21, 2022, the Business Development Fund and UKRGASBANK signed a loan agreement for UAH 155 million under the project "Refinancing of energy-efficient investments of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) of Ukraine via local financial institutions".

EBRD provides €20 million to UKRGASBANK to support Ukrainian business under wartime conditions

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Union are providing new funds to support micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) in Ukraine under €25 million loan.

UKRGASBANK attended the German-Ukrainian economic forum on the restoration of Ukraine in Berlin
Rebuilding the destroyed infrastructure and restoring the economy of Ukraine is one of the priorities at almost all international platforms. The fifth German-Ukrainian forum held on October 24 in Berlin was attended by…
UAH 166 Million Support For SME Customers
UKRGASBANK and the Export Credit Agency (ECA) provided SME customers with export support for UAH 166 million.  After four months of cooperation with the ECA, the state-owned UKRGASBANK became the leader under the state…
JSB "Ukrgasbank" is a systemically important bank

JSB "Ukrgasbank" is a systemically important bank, a leading financial institution in Ukraine and the only bank in Ukraine financing green projects.

Official statement of JSB "UKRGASBANK" regarding the information of NABU and SAPO on the announcement of suspicion to the former Chairman of the Management Board of JSB "UKRGASBANK"

Today, 6 October, the press service of the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office and the National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine reported information on suspicion to Mr Kyrylo Shevchenko, the former Chairman of the Management Board of JSB "UKRGASBANK", in the case of illegal activities of officials of the state-owned JSB "UKRGASBANK".

IFC supports UKRGASBANK in critical imports
IFC (International Finance Corporation) continues to support the state-owned UKRGASBANK in financing critical imports during wartime. This time, UKRGASBANK made a new deal with the participation of IFC and a first-class…
Turk Eximbank supports UKRGASBANK
Support of domestic business is a guarantee of the economic stability of the state and its ability to resist the aggressor. Therefore, UKRGASBANK continues expanding the possibilities of financing foreign trade operations…
UKRGASBANK's trade finance portfolio reached UAH 14 billion
For seven months since the full-scale Russian invasion, we have managed to significantly increase our trade finance portfolio. As of August 1, 2022, the total portfolio of active trade finance deals amounted to almost UAH…
UKRGASBANK has issued over UAH 10 billion worth loans under the "Affordable loans 5-7-9%" state support program

Since the launch of the "Affordable Loans 5-7-9%" program, the authorized banks have issued 44,025 loans totaling UAH 124.8 billion, as of 13 June 2022.

UAH 800 million in critical energy imports to Ukraine

The state-owned UKRGASBANK continues and expands cooperation in structured trade finance with SOCAR Energy Ukraine. Almost UAH 800 million deal aims to ensure critical energy imports to Ukraine.

UKRGASBANK earned UAH 430 million profit in May

Despite the fourth month of the war in a row, the state-owned UKRGASBANK continues to work effectively on the financial front to meet the needs of its customers, continue lending to the real sector of the economy, and help the army.

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