
UKRGASBANK assets grew to UAH 140 billion in 2020

Assets of the Bank totaled UAH 140 million as of March 1, 2020 posting a growth of UAH 20.7 billion for the first two months of 2020.

Kyrylo Shevchenko, UKRGASBANK CEO: the Bank operates as usual and is safe for the clients to visit

All branches of UKRGASBANK operate full-time without any limitations for the clients.

Ukrgasbank earned almost UAH 300 million profit in 2020

The net profit of Ukrgasbank totaled UAH 294 million for 2 months of 2020. This is 5 times higher than planned.

UKRGASBANK designated a systemically important bank

The National Bank of Ukraine has revised the list of banks that have significant impact on the national financial system. Based on this annual revision, Ukrgasbank reconfirms the status of a systemically important bank, for the second year in a row.

Kyrylo Shevchenko: UKRGASBANK earned UAH 134 million profit in January

The net profit of UKRGASBANK reached UAH 134 million, as of February 1, 2020. Since the beginning of the year, the assets of the Bank have also increased by UAH 10.6 billion and now total UAH 129.8 billion.

The assets of UKRGASBANK grew by 45%

Based on the results of 2019, the assets of UKRGASBANK increased by 44.7%, to UAH 119.2 billion.

UKRGASBANK is the first bank to join the state program “Affordable Loans 5-7-9%”

Ukrgasbank signed an agreement with the Business Development Fund on providing soft loans for Ukrainian SMEs.

Shevchenko: the Ukrainians have earmarked more than UAH 1.3 billion of their savings for improving the environment

ECO-Deposit has become the most  popular deposit program among UKRGASBANK clients. The funds of this new banking product are channeled to finance environmental projects in Ukraine.

UKRGASBANK is the leader in corporate deposits growth

According to the National Bank of Ukraine, UKRGASBANK is the leader in corporate deposits growth among Ukrainian banks, based on the results of 11 months of 2019.

The construction of a new terminal at the Zaporizhia airport co-financed by UKRGASBANK is completed

In 2019, UKRGASBANK supported a project of great social importance - the construction of a new international airport terminal Zaporizhia.

UKRGASBANK showed excellent performance in NBU stress-test for the third time in a row

On December 28, 2019, the National Bank of Ukraine published the results of bank resilience assessment for individual banks. The resilience assessment comprises asset quality review and stress-tests for the largest Ukrainian banks. This year, 29 banks were stress-tested. Combined, they account for over 90% of the banking sector assets.


Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of JSB Ukrgasbank at ‘B’, with a Positive Outlook. At the same time, Fitch affirmed the ‘b-’ VR and removed it from Rating Watch Positive. The affirmation of the National Rating of 'AA(ukr)' reflects UGB’s unchanged creditworthiness relative to peers within Ukraine.

Ukrgasbank has made UAH 836 million profit

For 11 months of 2019, the net profit of Ukrgasbank totaled UAH 836 million. It has grown almost by 22% more, compared to the same period last year.

UKRGASBANK joined FinancEast finance programme to support SMEs in Ukraine’s east

UKRGASBANK and the German-Ukrainian Fund signed subsidy agreement on the implementation of FinancEast programme as part of the EU’s EU4Business initiative. This programme is aimed at restarting financing of SMEs in government-controlled areas of Donetsk and Luhansk regions.

Deutsche Bank recognized UKRGASBANK excellence in payments
UKRGASBANK has won the prestigious 2018 EUR Operational Excellence Award from Deutsche Bank. Each year, Deutsche Bank recognizes financial institutions across the globe that demonstrate outstanding efficiency in processing…
UKRGASBANK has raised another UAH 95 million to finance SMEs

As part of the ongoing cooperation with the German-Ukrainian Fund (GUF), UKRGASBANK signed UAH 95 million loan agreement under the GUF Program to support small and medium-sized enterprises. The Program aims at investment projects of small and medium-sized enterprises in the priority areas, such as manufacturing, agriculture, HORECA and energy efficiency.

UKRGASBANK received an increase in the trade finance limit from EBRD.

UKRGASBANK is proud to announce an increase of USD 40 million in trade finance limit  from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) under the TFP (Trade Facilitation Program). The total amount of the Ukrgasbank’s TFP limit has now reached USD 80 million.

Ukrgasbank receives a trade finance limit from Denmark's Export Credit Agency

Ukrgasbank has received a trade finance limit from Denmark's Export Credit Agency (EKF) that will be used for financing the foreign trade operations of the bank's clients and their Danish partners.

Ukrgasbank increased its retail customer base to 2 million clients

Since the beginning of the year, Ukrgasbank has demonstrated the dynamic growth of its retail customer base, which now reaches 2 million people.

Ukrgasbank team visits the leading Turkish banks: Sekerbank and TEB

A group of Ukrgasbank branch managers visited Sekerbank and Türk Ekonomi Bankası A.Ş. (TEB) in Istanbul, Turkey, during a two-day study visit to exchange the best practices in doing business in the banking sector. The tour was organized for Ukrgasbank by SME Finance Forum (global membership network bringing together financial institutions to promote the growth of SMEs), as part of its knowledge sharing services.

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