
Ukrgasbank is on the top-3 “Best trade finance bank in Eastern Europe” nomination list

Ukrgasbank is among the top-3 leaders in “Best trade finance bank in Eastern Europe”  category, according to the most reputable trade finance edition - Global Trade Review. The award ceremony was held in London.

Ukrgasbank contributed to the Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition “Carbon Pricing Leadership Report 2018-19”
Ukrgasbank efforts in advocating and promoting green finance have been positively noted by Carbon Pricing Leadership Coalition (CPLC): “Ukrgasbank was the first Ukrainian partner of CPLC when it joined in May 2018. It is…
Ukrgasbank is the leader in assets growth, based on 1st quarter 2019 results

According to 2019 first quarter statistics issued by the National Bank of Ukraine, Ukrgasbank is the leader of the Ukrainian banking sector in assets growth.

Ukrgasbank increased its retail base to 1.6 million customers

Ukrgasbank continues to demonstrate a steady growth of its retail customers base. Presently, the number of the bank’s retail clients exceeds 1.6 million people.

URKGASBANK became a partner of the Private Financing Advisory Network

URKGASBANK is the first bank to become a partner of the Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) in Ukraine. PFAN is a global network of climate and clean energy financing experts, which offers free business coaching and investment facilitation to entrepreneurs developing climate and clean energy projects in emerging markets. PFAN aims to bridge the gap between entrepreneurs developing climate and clean energy projects and private sector investors.

UKRGASBANK restarted cooperation Export-Import Bank of the USA

After 5-years’ break, Export-Import Bank of the USA has renewed its cooperation with Ukraine on trade finance agreements.

UKRGASBANK is on the top-10 Ukrainian reliable banks list

According to the rating held by “Novoe Vremia” magazine, the Bank is on the top-10 reliable banks list. The rating was based on such criteria as capital adequacy, liquidity, depositor confidence, etc.

Chairman of the Executive Board of UKRGASBANK Kyrylo Shevchenko becomes “Banker of the Year”

Kyrylo Shevchenko has won the nomination “Banker of the Year” in the rating of “Business” magazine.

UKRGASBANK is the best bank for SME clients

UKRGASBANK was announced the best bank in the nomination “Support for SME”, according to “Business” magazine. The rating was based on the development and performance dynamics of Ukrainian banks in 2018.

UKRGASBANK has become the first financial partner of Energy Efficiency Fund and IFC

UKRGASBANK was chosen by Energy Efficiency Fund and IFC to become a partner in the pilot project aimed at implementing energy efficiency measures among homeowners' associations for comprehensive energy-efficiency renovations.

Fitch rates JSB UKRGASBANK ‘B-‘, Outlook Stable, in line with Ukraine's sovereign rating

Fitch Ratings has assigned Ukrainian Public Joint-Stock Company Joint Stock Bank Ukrgasbank Long-Term Foreign and Local Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of ‘B-‘, with Stable Outlooks. The rating is in line with the Fitch's current sovereign credit rating  for Ukraine.

UKRGASBANK became a leader in attracting new clients in 2018

According to 2018 year-end NBU statistics, UKRGASBANK has become the leader in client base growth.

UKRGASBANK became a financial partner of UNIDO to reduce energy consumption in Ukraine

UKRGASBANK has been selected a financial partner of UNIDO, the UN organization, which aims to implement and develop the system of energy management in Ukraine, with the ultimate objective to increase the energy efficiency and reduce energy consumption.

UKRGASBANK is on the top-100 Ukrainian taxpayers list

Based on the data provided by State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, UKRGASBANK has once again confirmed its position among top-100 Ukrainian taxpayers in 2018.

UKRGASBANK reduces interest rates for green projects cutting harmful emissions

UKRGASBANK introduces loan interest rates differentiation for green projects that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The higher CO2 reduction is, the lower the rate for the client is going to be.

UKRGASBANK has been nominated as 2018 best trade finance bank in Eastern Europe

UKRGASBANK was shortlisted for Global Trade Review’s international “Leaders in Trade” award which highlights excellence in the trade, commodity, supply chain, export finance and fintech markets. The Bank was nominated in the category “The best trade finance bank in Eastern Europe, 2018”. Global Trade Review is a world-class independent publishing and events company involved in global trade.

UKRGASBANK has become a leader in lending to business

UKRGASBANK topped the corporate loan portfolio growth rating, according to the National Bank of Ukraine.

UKRGASBANK becomes the first Ukrainian bank to join SME Finance Forum

UKRGASBANK became the newest member of the SME Finance Forum, a global membership network that brings together 150 financial institutions, technology companies, and development finance institutions to share knowledge, spur innovation, and promote the growth of SMEs. UKRGASBANK is currently the only bank to represent Ukraine at the SME Finance Forum.

Ukrgasbank provided USD 1.3 million tender guarantees to non-resident companies

State-owned Ukrgasbank has provided guarantees in the amount of $1.3 million to non-resident companies to participate in tenders in Ukraine through cooperation with leading foreign banks. The bank’s partners already include leading foreign banks from China, Turkey and Europe.

Ukrgasbank’s profit in 2018 amounted to UAH 766 million

According to full-year 2018 results, the profit of Ukrgasbank amounted to UAH 766 million, which is almost 20% higher than the target approved by the Bank's Supervisory Board.

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