
EUR 135 million in critical import deals since the start of the war
During the war, the state-owned UKRGASBANK carried out 22 trade finance transactions on critical imports worth almost EUR 135 million under the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (London), the…
The EBRD names UKRGASBANK the best trade finance bank in Ukraine

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) recognized the most successful partner banks from around the world under the Trade Facilitation Program (TFP) in 2021.

IFC and UKRGASBANK discuss ways to support the Bank during the wartime

On March 29, the management of the state-owned JSB UKRGASBANK held an online meeting with its strategic partner, International Finance Corporation (IFC).

UKRGASBANK receives full support from the EBRD in the field of trade finance

На тлі жорсткої агресії з боку Росії та скорочення лімітів з боку іноземних банків УКРГАЗБАНК отримав підвищення ліміту торговельного фінансування від European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (ЄБРР) за програмою підтримки торгівлі. Сума ліміту сягнула 200 млн доларів США, що на 30 млн доларів США більше за попередній ліміт Банку.

We are transferring profit in the amount of UAH 350 million to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine

While the Armed Forces of Ukraine are courageously defending our country, the Ukrainians and Ukrainian business rally to help those who are defending them on a daily basis. The state-owned bank UKRGASBANK will direct its February profit in the amount of UAH 350 million to support the Ukrainian army.

We, the Supervisory Board of UKRGASBANK, unanimously join the appeal for immediate support to specific requests from the Government of Ukraine stated in below mentioned PrivatBank’s Supervisory Board letter to Foreign Ambassadors…
UKRGASBANK loan portfolio grew by UAH 7 billion in 2021

According to preliminary data, the loan portfolio of UKRGASBANK increased by UAH 7 billion last year, contributing to the growth of net interest margin to 4.6% (cp: 2.5% in 2020). The regulatory capital adequacy ratio reached strong 18.8%.

The profit of UKRGASBANK increased almost by 5 times, up to UAH 3.5 billion

The state-owned UKRGASBANK made UAH 3.477 billion net profit for 11 months 2021. This is 5 times more, compared to the same period of the previous year.

The First Loan with Cashback under EU4Business-EBRD Credit Line
Ukrgasbank granted the first loan under the EU4BUSINESS-EBRD credit line. The first participant of the program is a farming enterprise from Odesa region. The client will use the loan to purchase agricultural machinery –…
The first trade finance transactions with Mashreq bank (UAE)
UKRGASBANK has started cooperating with Mashreq bank, one of the leaders of the UAE banking sector, and has already made the first structured trade finance deals. The amount of transactions totals about USD 35 million with…
UKRGASBANK increased its profit by 2.5 times and earned UAH 1.7 billion
Since the beginning of the year, UKRGASBANK earned UAH 1.7 billion profit. That is 2.5 times more, compared to the same period of the previous year. UKRGASBANK's profit for September totaled UAH 367 million that is 122…
Fitch Ratings has affirmed the Long-Term Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) of JSB Ukrgasbank at ‘B’, with a Positive Outlook. The Positive Outlook on the IDRs mirrors that on the sovereign. At the same time, Fitch affirmed the…
The second anniversary of the UN Global Principles for Responsible Banking

Ukrgasbank is delighted to celebrate two years of the Principles for Responsible Banking (PRB). The Principles bring together those banks committed to taking bold steps to ensure they are making a positive contribution to society and the environment.

UKRGASBANK among the TOP-10 most profitable banks in Ukraine

UKRGASBANK is among the TOP-10 most profitable banks in the country according to the NBU.

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