Ukragasbank OJSB wins budget-funded entity banking in Ukraine for 2007-2008

The Tender Committee based on the provided tender proposal placed Ukragasbank OJSB among the Ukrainian authorized banks to be engaged in cash services offered to budget-funded organizations to pay checks of the State Treasury of Ukraine in 2007-2008.The Tender Committee based on the provided tender proposal placed Ukragasbank OJSB among the Ukrainian authorized banks to be engaged in cash services offered to budget-funded organizations to pay checks of the State Treasury of Ukraine in 2007-2008. 

“Again Ukrgasbank gains the confidence not only of business entities but the government and this confidence is reasonable”, comments the Head of the Ukrgasbank Corporate Banking Department, Sergiy Karpov. “Today Ukrgasbank is present in all the regions of Ukraine and taking into account that the Bank has over 13 years of banking experience on the financial market and highly qualified personnel I can say that our Bank will provide Ukrainian budget-funded entities with high class services”.

At present Ukrgasbank OJSB is one of the most reliable and actively developing financial institutions of Ukraine which has been successfully operating on the banking service market. The steady promotion of new banking services on the domestic and international markets has enabled the Bank to improve its basic finance indicators, client base and business reputation. Ukrgasbank OJSB aggressively expands its business area by increasing the extent of operations on the banking market and the territorial expansion.


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