“UkrGasBank” was chosen as a pilot bank in the Project of International Finance Corporation “Corporate management in Ukrainian banking”.

On the 20th of June 2006 joint press-conference of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ and international Finance Corporation took place in LIGABusinessInform press-center.

     On the 20th of June 2006 joint press-conference of OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ and international Finance Corporation took place in LIGABusinessInform press-center.

     The meeting with mass media representatives was devoted to UkrGasBank approval as a pilot bank in the IFC project “Corporate management in Ukrainian banking” in the improvement program for corporate management.

     Vadim Lyashko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of OJSB “UkrGasBank”, Dezmond O’Maynik, Manager of the Project IFC “Corporate management in Ukrainian banking”  and John Smyth, Independent Member of Supervisory Board of OJSB “UkrGasBank”.    

     During its speech IFC chairman, Mr.O’Maynik noted that Corporation has already quiet long been working with Ukrgasbank; decision to choose UkrGasBank as a pilot is another step to improve the bank institution functioning. 
     In its turn Chairman of the Board of Directors of UkrGasBank, Vadim Lyashko has thanked IFC for the opportunity to participate in the Project and expressed its certainty that in the nearest future positive changes in the Bank management will feel not only the Bank employees but all UkrGasBank clients too.

     Besides the statement, John Joseph Smyth was officially introduced as an independent member of Supervisory Board of OJSB “UkrGasBank”.
John Smyth is a well-known person in financial circles as a specialist engaged in corporate management. Moreover, he has thirty-year experience in bank business.

     As of 01.06.06net assets of UkrGasBank totaled UAH 2,604 Mio, loan and investment portfolio – UAH 2,083 Mio, regulatory capital – UAH 298,098 Mio. UkrGasBank network of branches and outlets comprises more than 130 institutions over the whole territory of Ukraine.


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