UkrGasBank in mass media: Sergiy Malomuzh only for “Gazeta po kyivsky”

According to NBU data at the end of February 2006 Kyivers kept UAH 24, 346 bn. It comprises 32% of all bank deposits from Ukrainian population.

Every third Hryvnia of deposits belongs to Kyiv depositors.

According to NBU data at the end of February 2006 Kyivers kept UAH 24, 346 bn. It comprises 32% of all bank deposits from Ukrainian population. A notice should be taken to the fact that it is 10,265 bn more than in previous year. Commenting the situation Sergiy Malomuzh, director of Kyiv regional directorate said: “This is the evidence that Ukrainian banking system does take place. Kyivers not only entrusted their savings to banks but also comprehended that money must “make” money and didn’t keep it in their “stockings” or under mattress”. Especially because of banking deposits spectrum is so large that is able to satisfy everyone. Only “UkrGasBank” can offer to Kyiv citizens nine type of sufficiently considerable percentage of deposits


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