New offer with old traditions

New offers for our clients is a good tradition for 'UkrGasBank'. A new offer "Winter never comes - 3" starts 11/15/2005 and lasts till 01/31/2006.

Customers who deposit in foreign or national currencies possess unique opportunity to visit Egypt. If you open our new deposit “Winter never comes - 3”, you as a depositor will receive special playing counters – 1 counter for every 1 thousand hryvnias or 200 US Dollars (or Euro) of your deposits.
In 2002 we conducted “Winter never comes”, last year – “Winter never comes - 2”.
As a result 150 of UkrGasBank customers enjoyed their holiday time on the shore of Red Sea. This offer was successful and caused a rise of pleasant opinions of our customers.
Every client who draws up a deposit, the Bank opens card account and gives payment card Visa Electron, Cirrus/Maestro, MasterCard Electronic (including free issue and servicing). Interest is paid to the card account on the monthly basis. After maturity of deposits placement deposits amount is transferred to depositor’s card account. This offer also comprises loan on overdraft.

"During its 12-year activity UkrGasBank with its policy oriented at “Flexibility of solutions” actively participates in various actions and programs. The Bank improves products and serious for its clients."
Sergiy Naumenko
Deputy Chairman of the Board

Currently OJSB ‘UkrGasBank’ is in the TOP group of the biggest Ukrainian banks. As of 11/01/2005 the Bank net assets totaled UAH 2080,5 Mio and loan portfolio – UAH 1724,6 Mio.


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