Tendencies of The Payment Cards Business in 2007

Dmitriy Reznikov, Head of the Retail Banking of the Client Policy Department of the OJSB "Ukrgasbank".

Dmitriy Reznikov, Head of the Retail Banking of the Client Policy Department of the OJSB "Ukrgasbank"

By the end of 2007 the number of the issued payment cards will reach 40 million. The banks will do their best to increase the issue of credit cards. This is due to the fact that the consumer loan is becoming more and more popular banking product and therefore the credit card provides the client with the simplest way of receiving the credit in case of necessity.

A great number of self-service kiosks are expected to emerge on the market, which allow the clients not only to make payments, to acquire Internet–vouchers, but also to repay the credits.

The banks expect also an increase in non-cash transactions with the help of the cards. The quantity of terminals in the trading network will continue to grow and in this way they will encourage the clients to frequent use of the banking cards. 

Development of chip technologies is also expected, more and more banks acquire permits from payment systems to accept chip cards, as well as to distribute them. The banks will also try to implement new technologies, but they will hardly actively develop in the next year, it will be just preparation for the future. 



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